In these uncertain times, it is reassuring to know that if you are unable to travel to take your holiday because of a national or local lockdown, that we will guarantee that you will get a full refund. Please note that the refund guarantee applies only to the address given on the booking at the time of booking being put in a lockdown, and when the travel restriction coincides with the period of your holiday.

The refund guarantee covers national and local lockdowns, but does NOT cover you (or members of your party) for being unable to travel because you (or a member of your party) fall ill with Covid, or are required to quarantine or self-isolate. These events can be covered by you taking out travel insurance. There are a number of policies that include cover for illness with Covid and self-isolation (example links below), and a lot of bank annual travel policies also cover this. Alternatively, you can look for suitable cover on comparison sites such as GoCompare.

We are not selling, promoting, endorsing or recommending any particular product, and do not benefit financially from, nor have any formal relationship with, any of these providers.

Coverwise , Allianz Assistance , Trailfinders

For a full description of our cancellation policy please refer to our Terms and Conditions.